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[Verse] He gives me the love I deserve, shadows on the curb Ashes in the urn, our bridges burn, tables turn Dust love, faithful mistrust, broken in rust Promises combust, shattered by lust [Chorus] Everyone said we’d be the endgame, we did the blame game Twisted mammon dance, lost in fame, broken frame Ghosts in our flame, memories stain, darkening rain Can't escape this pain, love’s choke chain [Verse 2] Why did I even accept this? Should've known resistance Echoes in persistence, heart’s insistence, cold distance Taught me much, scars untouched, whispers hushed Back against the wall, mind’s trust, spirit crushed [Bridge] Through the cracks and creases, broken to pieces Endless releases, silent feces on thesis, love’s diseases Fell for your lies, devil in disguise, heart’s demise Can’t erase the cries, echoes in the skies [Verse 3] I guess it’s only you, twisted truth, bitter aloof Scripted proof, cruel spoof, shadowed roof Endless loop, voices hoop, sanity’s troop Nightmare’s coup, love’s tight noose, blood’s soup [Chorus] Everyone said we’d be the endgame, we did the blame game Twisted mammon dance, lost in fame, broken frame Ghosts in our flame, memories stain, darkening rain Can't escape this pain, love’s choke chain