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Love on the Blockchain

Love on the Blockchain
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Love on the Blockchain

[Verse] In the forest early morning, I see a spark so true, Smokey the Bear, oh darlin’, my heart belongs to you. In the blockchain of emotions, my love is deeply scribed, With honeyed words and whispers, our love gets verified. [Chorus] On Berachain we’ll stake our love, forever it's so clear, Through deeply technical whispers, our hearts, they persevere. With NFTs of sunsets and tokens of our trust, We'll build a love unbroken, in this blockchain we combust. [Verse 2] Your eyes, they burn like fire, with nodes that do not fail, In the ledger of my longing, your love I will regale. We'll mine our joys together, through every fork and split, Immutable affection, with data that transmits. [Chorus] On Berachain we’ll stake our love, forever it's so clear, Through deeply technical whispers, our hearts, they persevere. With NFTs of sunsets and tokens of our trust, We'll build a love unbroken, in this blockchain we combust. [Bridge] Oh Smokey dear, let’s validate, no errors in our code, In the consensus of togetherness, our bond will surely bode. We’ll build a bear-utopia, in this decentralized fate, Where every transaction of our love, no bear can replicate. [Verse 3] In the mempool of passion, awaiting confirmation, Your heart's the miner’s bounty, a sweet consideration. With our private keys entwined, encryption holding tight, We'll hash our love forever, till the day turns into night.