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The Legend of Tye Clodd

The Legend of Tye Clodd
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The Legend of Tye Clodd

[Verse] In the ring where shadows whisper, Tye Clodd stood proud and tall, A living legend, minute man, he always took the fall. From gossip born, his fists of truth, cut through the lies they told, Last honest heart in a sea of fraud, a story to unfold. [Verse 2] Underneath the dim-lit lights, his battles carved in stone, Each grapple and each body slam, a man who stood alone. The crowd would chant his name aloud, their hero wrapped in rage, Yet only he knew the silent grief within the cage. [Chorus] He's the world's greatest wrestler, no chains could hold him down, A myth, a man, a whisper on the outskirts of the town. The last one true, in a world gone mad, his legacy a brand, Tye Clodd, the fighter, honesty's last stand. [Verse 3] With every match, the stories grew, of victories and pains, In locker rooms and dusty bars, his legend still remains. Tears he shed for fallen foes, the bruises of the fight, The gossip god with a bleeding heart, alone under the night. [Chorus] He's the world's greatest wrestler, no chains could hold him down, A myth, a man, a whisper on the outskirts of the town. The last one true, in a world gone mad, his legacy a brand, Tye Clodd, the fighter, honesty's last stand. [Bridge] His shadow cast on broken dreams, his soul a map of scars, Beneath the mask, he carried hope, reaching for the stars. In every tale of grit and might, he searched for something real, Amidst the roars, the silent prayers, the wounds that healed.