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Back to Carolina

Back to Carolina
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Back to Carolina

[Verse] I'll take you back to Carolina, Where the tall pines touch the sky. Underneath the Southern stars, In that Carolina night. [Verse 2] We'll go dancing in the country, With the crickets keeping time. Whispering secrets in the moonlight, As the fireflies gleam and shine. [Chorus] Oh, the moonlight’s shining brightly, On the fields where we both lay. With your hand in mine so tightly, In Carolina, we’ll always stay. [Verse 3] By the river where the wildflowers bloom, And the banjo's sweet refrain. We’ll two-step right through the twilight, Till the dawn breaks over the plain. [Verse 4] Sweet magnolia and honeysuckle air, With the scent of summer breeze. Dancing in the glow of moonlight, Carolina nights are made for these. [Bridge] We’ll make memories in the moonlight, With every beat, every sway. In the heart of Carolina, Forever we’ll dance and play.