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Rain Drops and Rhythms

Rain Drops and Rhythms
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Rain Drops and Rhythms

[Verse] Clouds heavy, world a-wet with tranquility, Pitter-patter symphony, dancing on my balcony, Sky crying gracefully, tears of pure mystery, Streetlights flicker, reflections in the blustery. [Chorus] Rain drops fall, rhythm on my window pane, Life's a splash, memories in a hurricane, Drizzle whispers secrets in a low-key refrain, Nature's beat, synchronized with my brain. [Verse] Umbrella soul, wandering in urban maze, Gutter streams sing ballads, a liquid phase, Each droplet a note in Earth's endless phrase, Rain washes pain, hearts caught in the gaze. [Chorus] Rain drops fall, rhythm on my window pane, Life's a splash, memories in a hurricane, Drizzle whispers secrets in a low-key refrain, Nature's beat, synchronized with my brain. [Bridge] Pavement echoes tales of forgotten yesterdays, Misty breath of dawn, washes night away, Urban jungle soaked in grey, but hearts don't decay, Hydrated dreams flourish, puddles in play. [Verse] Raindrops patter, a meditative trance, Wet concrete stage, elements in dance, Soul in sync with storm, no circumstance, Clear away the grime, life's second chance.