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Who Knows What Love Really Is

Who Knows What Love Really Is
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Who Knows What Love Really Is

[Verse] Who knows what love really is, Some say it’s just a fleeting kiss, But one day it is suddenly there, A spark ignites, lighting up the air. [Verse 2] It's like the feeling of being wanted, Yet in the shadows, fears are haunted, A heart that beats you can't dismiss, Who knows what love really is? [Chorus] Oh, it's a rose with hidden thorns, A light in darkness, love is born, A game of courage, pain and bliss, Who knows what love really is? [Verse 3] In the still of night, it whispers near, A fragile hope, a lingering fear, A fragile dance we can't resist, Who knows what love really is? [Bridge] Maybe it's the way we smile, Or the way we hurt, reconcile, It’s a journey through misty mists, Who knows what love really is? [Verse 4] Could be the tears we hide inside, Or the way we lean, side by side, A secret tale amidst the risks, Who knows what love really is?