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Boyz n the Hood

Boyz n the Hood
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Boyz n the Hood

[Verse 1] Smoky nights, neon lights paint the concrete, Lil' homie found a thrill, life beneath his feet. Corner store whispers, bags change hands, Only thirteen, got the world in his plans. [Verse 2] Ty got a heater, thirst for street power, Rats and snakes, lurking 'round tower. Mama crying, bills pile higher, Man on the news, shot by a buyer. [Chorus] Boyz in the hood, life's a crooked line, One wrong move, snatched outta time. Dreams 'bout the top, stuck in the grind, Trust no one, everyone's slinging lies. [Verse 3] Shadows creep, alleyways deep, Ricochet whispers, secrets to keep. Brothers fall, like dominoes in line, From friends to foes, betrayal's design. [Bridge] Hustle hard, never sleep, always scheming, Lost souls, selling dreams, always dreaming. Street life's rugged, predatory gleaming, Boyz n the hood, reality's screaming. [Verse 4] Jay's got a story, hard beef with fate, Running from sirens, fighting his weight. Pawn shop deals, nobody left genuine, Threads are frayed, ain't no mendin' him.