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It´s a emotional country song about missing home lyrics: Verse 1: When I’m tired I dream about home Lord knows I’ve been long gone Through dusty trails and endless skies Searching for where my heart lies In every town, a different face But none can fill this empty space The mountains call, the rivers flow But it's my roots that I long to know Chorus: Take me back to the old dirt road Where the sun sets and the stories unfold I'll trade these miles for a familiar embrace Home is where I find my saving grace Verse 2: The city lights don't shine like stars I miss the silence, the crickets and cars My memories are like faded photographs Reminding me of what I've lost In crowded streets, I walk alone Longing for a place to call my own The neon signs, they blur my sight I close my eyes, trying to find the light Chorus: Take me back to the old dirt road Where the sun sets and the stories unfold I'll trade these miles for a familiar embrace Home is where I find my saving grace Bridge: On this journey, I've learned to roam But in my heart, there's a place called home I'll follow the wind, I'll follow the stars Back to where my story starts Chorus: Take me back to the old dirt road Where the sun sets and the stories unfold I'll trade these miles for a familiar embrace Home is where I find my saving grace Outro: When I’m tired I dream about home Lord knows I’ve been long gone