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Shadows & Echoes

Shadows & Echoes
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Shadows & Echoes

[Verse] Raps in the night, haunting like a ghost tale, Family tree roots, dripping poison, no bail. Heartbreak cuts deep, jagged knife through the spine, Faith scattered in the wind, answers hard to find. [Verse 2] Betrayal in the blood, DNA gone rogue, Trust shattered glass, in the path I chose. Mother's lullabies turn to whispers in my ear, Father figure shadows, now fading, disappear. [Chorus] Echoes of yesterday, haunting my dreams, Memories of faith, unraveling at the seams. Loss like a black hole, swallowing the light, Heart torn asunder, in the depths of night. [Verse 3] Love letters burned, ashes in the wind, Promises broken, truth wrapped in sin. Faith in the gutter, stepping through puddles, Family ties tangled, lost in the muddles. [Verse 4] Cold streets walkin', soul growin' thin, Betrayal in the mirror, reflection of kin. Hope's a mirage, teasing out of reach, Lessons in the dark, no sermons to preach. [Chorus] Echoes of yesterday, haunting my dreams, Memories of faith, unraveling at the seams. Loss like a black hole, swallowing the light, Heart torn asunder, in the depths of night.