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Daddy's Love

Daddy's Love
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Daddy's Love

[Verse] Sittin' on the front porch swing, sun settin' low, Watchin' my little girl grow, where did the time go? Her laughter fills the evening air, pure and bright, I cherish every moment 'neath the twinklin' starlight. [Verse 2] Built her a treehouse in that old oak tree, Now she calls it her palace, where she's wild and free. Her tiny hand in mine, we walk down the lane, In her eyes I see my heart, free from any pain. [Chorus] Daddy’s love, it’s an unbroken line, Through the ups and downs, sunshine and the grind. No matter where you go, you're my star above, Forever and always, you'll have Daddy's love. [Verse 3] Late nights by the firelight, stories we’d share, Her favorite is the one where I met her old Teddy Bear. She dreams big dreams, with a heart so kind, I’m here to guide her, give her strength to find. [Verse 4] First bike ride, scraped knees, learning how to stand, I caught her when she fell, always close at hand. In her eyes are stars that light up the night, Daddy's love guides her shining bright. [Chorus] Daddy’s love, it’s an unbroken line, Through the ups and downs, sunshine and the grind. No matter where you go, you're my star above, Forever and always, you'll have Daddy's love.