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The Bottle or The Job

The Bottle or The Job
0:00 / 2:37

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The Bottle or The Job

[Verse] Woke up this morning, saw the sun's first light, Thought 'bout the long day waitin', in the factory's fight, Steel toe boots on the floor, coffee ain't strong enough, By noon I’ll be listenin' to that foreman's gruff. [Verse 2] Clock hand creepin' slower, can't wait for the end, In the breakroom I’m dreamin' of my liquid friend, Not sure which I hate more, the bottle or my job, Both got me in a chokehold, like a thief and a mob. [Chorus] I need the job to buy the bottle, it's a cycle I can't break, But I need the bottle just to bear the labor's ache, Caught in this endless circle, nights blur into days, Wonderin' if there's any other way. [Verse 3] Payday's a small relief, just a moment's breath, But the bills come due, quicker than my cigarette, Pockets empty by the weekend, no savin's to my name, Run my fingers 'cross the label, drownin' out my shame. [Verse 4] Talk's cheap in the tavern, 'bout dreams we all had, Juke box on the fritz playin' tunes that make us sad, Old timer in the corner, sayin' life ain’t been that hard, He’s seen the same battle scars, different deck of cards. [Chorus] I need the job to buy the bottle, it's a cycle I can't break, But I need the bottle just to bear the labor's ache, Caught in this endless circle, nights blur into days, Wonderin' if there's any other way.