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Country Road

Country Road
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Country Road

[Verse] Dust on the dashboard, sun sinking low, Wheels hummin' softly, as the memories flow. Passed by the old barn where we used to play, Country road, guide me, take me back today. [Verse 2] Saw the old oak tree, where I carved your name, Times change around here, but that tree stayed the same. Fields of tall corn, swaying in the breeze, Country road, whisper, bring me back to peace. [Chorus] Take me, country road, where my heart belongs, Where the nights are quiet, and the days are long. In your windy curves, I find my truth, Country road, take me, to my home and youth. [Verse 3] Rusty windmill creaks, in the evening light, Tobacco barns linger, in the cool moonlight. Fireflies dancing, as the stars appear, Country road, hold me, in your arms so dear. [Chorus] Take me, country road, where my heart belongs, Where the nights are quiet, and the days are long. In your windy curves, I find my truth, Country road, take me, to my home and youth. [Verse 4] Grandma's old rocker, on the porch still sways, Echoes of laughter, from our yesterdays. Sweet tea and good songs, under silver skies, Country road, guide me, where my spirit flies.