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Restless Kitchen Nights

Restless Kitchen Nights
0:00 / 3:22

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Restless Kitchen Nights

[Verse] Knife in hand, the grill is burning bright, Chicken's sizzling, it's a Friday night. Laughter bounces off the tile and chrome, In this kitchen, we’ve found ourselves a home. [Verse 2] Flour flying, got dough up to my sleeves, Pots are clanging, orders never leave. Bobby's dancing with a spatula in hand, In our kitchen, we’ve got a rockin’ band. [Chorus] Restless kitchen nights, we’re livin’ it loud, Flippin’ burgers, whippin’ cream, we’re so proud. Oh, the fun never stops, not from five to nine, In this cookin’ chaos, we’re feelin’ mighty fine. [Verse 3] Jukebox playin' our favorite tunes, Eggs and bacon cookin' all afternoon. Lucy’s yellin’ out, "Order up, let’s go!" In our kitchen, we’re puttin' on a show. [Verse 4] Steam is risin', dessert's on the way, Pies are bakin’, just another day. Coffee's brewin’ strong, keeps us on our feet, In our little kitchen, the heart of Main Street. [Chorus] Restless kitchen nights, we’re livin’ it loud, Flippin’ burgers, whippin’ cream, we’re so proud. Oh, the fun never stops, not from five to nine, In this cookin’ chaos, we’re feelin’ mighty fine.