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Heartstrings of Home

Heartstrings of Home
0:00 / 2:46

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Heartstrings of Home

[Verse] I see your tiny hands wrapped 'round my finger tight, In the cradle of my arms, you fit just right. From the moment you were born, my world took a turn, You're the fire in my heart, always gonna burn. [Verse 2] In the back of our old truck, we drive the countryside, Teaching you to chase the stars, and never hide. With your boots kicking dust, in the fields we know, You'll learn the ways of life, as you grow. [Chorus] You're my son, my pride, my dream come true, Every step you take, I'll walk it too. Through the highs and lows, the long nights and days, I'll be there in your heart, guiding your way. [Verse 3] You'll fall down and scrape your knees, that's just life, But I'll be there with band-aids, and loving advice. When you face the storms, as you grow and stand tall, Remember your old man, and the stories I recall. [Bridge] The songs I sing tonight, in that sweet lullaby, Are more than just words; they're how I choose to fly. My dreams, my love, all wrapped up in you, May you always find your way, stay honest and true. [Chorus] You're my son, my pride, my dream come true, Every step you take, I'll walk it too. Through the highs and lows, the long nights and days, I'll be there in your heart, guiding your way.