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Happy to Call You Son

Happy to Call You Son
0:00 / 1:56

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Happy to Call You Son

[Verse] Workin' fields from dawn to dusk, side by side we stand, Dusty boots and worn-out jeans, livin' off the land. You got your mama’s eyes, got your daddy's grin, Every time you smile, I see where I've been. [Verse 2] From your first step to your first ride, I've watched you grow strong, Through life's narrow, dusty roads, we both walk along. You’ve got a heart of gold, a spirit free as wind, Proud is an understatement for the joy within. [Chorus] Happy to call you son, carryin' on my name, In your eyes, I see my pride, in your strength, my flame. From the cradle to the plow, through the rain and sun, Every single day, oh, I’m happy to call you son. [Verse 3] Teachin' you the ropes of life, and how to be a man, How to hold your ground and stand, or give a helpin' hand. Saw you fix your first fence, and then your first truck too, You’ve become my legacy, livin' proof. [Bridge] As the seasons come and go, and rivers twist and bend, Know that you’ll always have a home, in your old man. Through storms that may weather, and battles to be won, Here’s to the days ahead, just happy to call you son. [Chorus] Happy to call you son, carryin' on my name, In your eyes, I see my pride, in your strength, my flame. From the cradle to the plow, through the rain and sun, Every single day, oh, I’m happy to call you son.