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Ain't No Young Buck

Ain't No Young Buck
0:00 / 1:54

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Ain't No Young Buck

[Verse] Used to throw hay bales, feather-weight flair, Now these old bones creak with every stair, Mirror reflection, lines deep and bold, Ain't no young buck, but the story unfolds. [Verse 2] Wore out boots, dust on the brim, Back in the day, played games on a whim, Sweat on the brow, axe through the wood, Life changed fast, never thought it would. [Chorus] Hype old-timer, still got that spark, Walking through the fire, igniting the dark, Wrinkles on the face, wisdom in the roar, Hold the torch high, never hit the floor. [Verse 3] Back roads rollin', gravel spittin' mad, Memory lane’s a trip, good times we had, Scars on the knuckles, stories untold, Heart still pumps, though the body's old. [Bridge] Youth may fade, but the fire stays lit, Got a mind full of dreams, won’t ever quit, Years stack up, but the spirit won't fold, Silver locks may come, but the soul stays bold. [Chorus] Hype old-timer, still got that spark, Walking through the fire, igniting the dark, Wrinkles on the face, wisdom in the roar, Hold the torch high, never hit the floor.