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Country Air

Country Air
0:00 / 3:11

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Country Air

[Verse] In a small town county where the pastures are wide, There's a little secret folks can't seem to hide, Out here on the farmland, where life's kind of slow, There's a natural rhythm that the country folks know. [Verse 2] Farmers and ranchers, they work through the day, But at supper time, things can get play, As the beans and cornbread start to take their toll, You can't help but laugh at the sounds from each soul. [Chorus] Take a deep breath of that country air, Sometimes it's sweeter, and other times it's rare, With a little chuckle and a knowing grin, It's the wind of the land, and we're all kin. [Verse 3] In the morning light as the rooster crows, The cows ain't the only ones putting on shows, With the sun just rising, and the coffee brewing hot, It's a natural concert, whether you like it or not. [Verse 4] Out on the front porch, with Granny and Pap, You hear nature's music, right in your lap, There’s no need for ridicule or pointless fear, Just the honest life, making everything clear. [Chorus] Take a deep breath of that country air, Sometimes it's sweeter, and other times it's rare, With a little chuckle and a knowing grin, It's the wind of the land, and we're all kin.