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Fresh Prince of GDP

Fresh Prince of GDP
0:00 / 1:54

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Fresh Prince of GDP

[Verse] Gather round everyone, got a tale to share, Young prince on a journey, all beyond compare, In the heart of West P, where the streets don't sleep, GDP climbin', while the haters all weep. [Chorus] Fresh prince of GDP, he's countin' every stack, With a mind for economy, ain't never lookin' back, From the projects to the penthouse, cashin' every check, Dollar bills in his vision, he commands respect. [Verse 2] Started with a dream, then he flipped it to an empire, Makin' M's on the daily, now he's a high flyer, Economics in his veins, money in his brain, Worldwide influence, takin' over the domain. [Chorus] Fresh prince of GDP, a mastermind at play, Turnin' hustle into riches, he never did sway, From the bottom of the block to the pinnacle peak, His legacy’s cemented, power moves, unique. [Bridge] Now he's rollin' through the city, like a king on his throne, Every move calculated, his success well-known, Parties, investments, makin' deals on the fly, Fresh prince reigns supreme, reachin’ for the sky. [Verse 3] Showin' love to his roots, never forgot his crew, In the world of finance, there's nothin' he won't do, Turnin' risk into rewards, progress is the key, With a princely touch, buildin' his legacy.