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[Verse 1] He sees her slipping out the door, says she’s off to see a show. But he knows that her smile, hides something he should know. She says it’s just a movie night, with all the office girls. But he’s started seeing through this act, his mind is in a whirl. [Chorus] She’s getting good at being bad. Every lie she tells, makes him sad. It’s tearing up the love they had. She’s getting good at being bad. [Verse 2] She claims she’s got a dance class, line dancin' 'round the floor. But he finds her dancing boots, still standin' by the door. She says she’s meeting up for drinks, just a quick one, nothing more. But he knows she’s out there somewhere, breaking every vow she swore. [Chorus] She’s getting good at being bad. Every lie she tells, makes him sad. It’s tearing up the love they had. She’s getting good at being bad. [Guitar Solo] [Verse 3] She talks about an all-girl night, an over nighter plan. But he sees through her lies, she’ll be with another man. She has a ticket for a festival, with her friends, and it's all paid. But he’s heard quite enough. He’s done with her charade. [Chorus] She’s getting good at being bad. Every lie she tells, makes him sad. it’s tearing up the love they had. She’s getting good at being bad. [Chorus] She’s getting good at being bad. Every lie she tells, makes him sad. it’s tearing up the love they had. She’s getting good at being bad. [Chorus] She’s getting good at being bad. Every lie she tells, makes him sad. it’s tearing up the love they had. She’s getting good at being bad. [outro]