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Happy Birthday, Patrick

Happy Birthday, Patrick
0:00 / 2:42

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Happy Birthday, Patrick

[Verse] Sunrise over fields of green, Patrick's day, a special scene. Gather 'round, friends all near, Here's to you, another year. [Verse 2] Guitar strummin' soft and slow, Candles flicker, hearts aglow. In this small town, hearts do sing, A birthday tune, let joy ring. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Patrick dear, May your troubles disappear. Life's a journey, enjoy the ride, With friends and kin right by your side. [Verse 3] Memories we made will last, Moments flown, time moves fast. But tonight, we toast to you, In this town, so pure and true. [Bridge] Laughter echoes through the night, Stars above are shining bright. Patrick, here's to another year, Filled with love and cheer, oh dear. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Patrick dear, May your troubles disappear. Life's a journey, enjoy the ride, With friends and kin right by your side.