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Planetary Anthem

Planetary Anthem
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Planetary Anthem

[Verse] Yo, talkin' bout the planets up in space, Spinnin' 'round the sun, in a wild cosmic race. First up, Mercury, closest to the heat, Small but fast, no one can compete. [Verse 2] Venus, the hotshot, sulfuric haze, Brighten up the sky, in a blazing craze. Earth, our crib, blue and green scene, Life flourishing in a vibrant dream. [Chorus] Planets align, stars they shine, Groovin’ through the cosmos, on that galactic grind. Solar symphony, each orbit’s fine, Universe’s rhythm, it’s our time to shine. [Verse 3] Mars, the Red Planet, desert and frost, Rusty plains, ancient rivers lost. Jupiter, big boss, stormy roarin’ king, Great Red Spot, tempest on a fling. [Bridge] Saturn's rings, beauty in the vast, Titan’s cryo-mists, methane blast. Uranus tilts, rolls on its side, Blue-green ice giant, cosmic ride. [Verse 4] Neptune last, mystic azure deep, Winds be howlin’, whirlpools in their sweep. Far out beyond, maybe there’s more, Hidden wonders in that void we explore.