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Red Hair Revenge

Red Hair Revenge
0:00 / 3:33

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Red Hair Revenge

[Verse] Red hair on fire so bright Always on the lookout every night Looking fierce but no one in sight Tall as a tree but still no bite [Verse 2] You talk big but you're season's done Cash flow straight up none No man wants this hit-and-run Telling everyone you're the one [Chorus] No status no crown You're always falling down Your life's a ghost town Laughing at your frown [Verse 3] Think you're tough but you're weak Your game ain't on fleek Money light like a leak Future looking bleak [Verse 4] Every lie you tell's exposed Your followers unfollow your pose Empty pockets you've chose Red hair can't cover woes [Chorus] No status no crown You're always falling down Your life's a ghost town Laughing at your frown