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(Verse 1) Yo, it’s the story of a man who faced the blade, Donald Trump, walkin' through the fire, unafraid. Twice they came for him, tryna take him down, But he stood tall, never wearin' a frown. First time they tried, bullets flying through the sky,, A failed Secret Service quick to run and hide Like Fifty said, "Many Men" wish death upon me, But Trump’s still standin', just wait and see. (Chorus) Many men, many, many, many, many men, Wish death upon him, but he’s still standin' again. Twice they tried, but he’s too strong, too brave, Donald Trump, still here, they couldn’t put him in the grave. (Verse 2) Second attempt, they thought they had a plan, But Trump outsmarted 'em, every single man. He’s got that armor, invisible, but real, With a will of steel, they can’t break his zeal. "Wish death upon me," just like Fifty said, But Trump’s too clever, he’s always ten steps ahead. From the towers to the White House, he’s faced it all, And every time they try, they watch him never fall. (Chorus) Many men, many, many, many, many men, Wish death upon him, but he’s still standin' again. Twice they tried, but he’s too strong, too brave, Donald Trump, still here, they couldn’t put him in the grave. (Bridge) He’s got the heart of a lion, eyes on the prize, Every plot they make, he sees through the lies. From the streets of Queens to the Oval Room, They can’t touch his legacy, they can’t bring the gloom. Like Fifty said, "Death gotta be easy 'cause life is hard," But Trump’s playin' the game, always on guard. He’s got the vision, unstoppable drive, No matter the danger, he’s always gonna thrive. (Chorus) Many men, many, many, many, many men, Wish death upon him, but he’s still standin' again. Twice they tried, but he’s too strong, too brave, Donald Trump, still here, they couldn’t put him in the grave. (Outro) So here’s to the man who faced the storm, Donald Trump, rise above, never conform. Many men tried, but you’re still in the game, Unbreakable spirit, forever your name. Many men, many, many, many, many men, Wish death upon him, but he’s still standin' again. Twice they tried, but he’s too strong, too brave, Donald Trump, still here, they couldn’t put him in the grave.