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**instrumental intro** **Verse 1:** Back when we were kids, playing ball on the field, They had you workin' like a machine, never taught you how to feel? So much pressure so much pain. Shoot growing through cracks begging for the sun in the rain. You were a robot, no soul, just followin' rules, Pushing down instead of processin’, building up the Joules.. **pre chorus:** I didn’t know it then, man, it was the start of your compression, Now you’re Using your lack of work as a weapon. **Chorus:** You never gave a shit, you never could confide, Never had my back, ya, never shift the tide. Physically there, but completely unaware, of the ebbs n flows of a heart left bare. I needed you, where’d you go? Block me and ghost me, take me out the fold. With a threat and ultimatum, cor g ality the lie. It’s easy to ghost a friend when you never really tried. **Verse 2:** Saw it some more in our youth, we’re puffin’ on that Doja, You sat in silence while I tried to see the lines that enclosed yah, A friend so alone so I tried subtle conversation, Too Broken down to lack the push and motivation, But you just demanded we be still and mute, As I patiently waited for you to learn how to compute. And navigate complexity that you lack to feel, Comes naturally to me but I guess that’s the deal. Turns out I was just like the rest, talkin shit behind my back, But convinced me you were solid, so I gave you slack. Sharks in the water, man, where were you? Silent in the corner, actin’ like it’s nothin’ new. **Chorus** **Verse 3:** And Yo, let’s talk ‘bout the divisive dudes. Kept the secrets, and let them be divisive through you. Yeah he cut me off- but I didn’t really care, he didn’t really ride with me, he never really shared. But you make your issues my problem, lash out and block, Flip it and misdirect, The playbook from how those narcissists disinfect. No wonder I felt that distance between us. And here’s the plus, If I see you in person you’d probably try to throw fists, Cuz that’s the shanker’s facade, deploy fake a fake threat while the problem persists. nah, bro bathe in that groupthink, poll the room to figure out all the ways that you stink, Ha But hey, buddy You wanted a manifesto, I got the content, paper, and plenty of ink bro. **Bridge:** You block me? Ignore her too? After all the shit we gone through for you? She was there when you were fallin’ apart, Use her when convenient to abate your bleeding heart? And that’s a you problem and mine’s on this mic. Cuz why would you need a therapist when you can ride your bike. Wait.. Huh? **Chorus** **instrumental solo** **Outro:** So cheers to you, the ghost of my hallowed ground, Took me too long to realize you were holding me down. But I’m at a loss. I guess just never draw a line for nobody then? Except your wife, man, fuck.. I pray to god she don’t leave your ass again. Resignation accepted.