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Hey Dani

Hey Dani
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Hey Dani

[Verse] Hey Dani, your smile lights up the day, In Luke's eyes, you chase the clouds away, More than just a moment, a lifelong embrace, For keeps, it's your laugh that sets his pace. [Verse 2] Through the fields where wildflowers bloom, Every step with you, the world's a finer tune, Luke thinks the world of your gentle grace, Every memory made, can't be replaced. [Chorus] 'Cause Dani, you're amazing, every shade of gold, Love's already woven, a story to unfold, Can't wait to live more days, making memories tight, Together forever, in the soft moonlight. [Verse 3] From sunrise to the quiet starry nights, Each moment with you, feels so right, In your arms, dreams and hopes align, With Luke by your side, through rain or shine. [Bridge] Years may pass, roads may twist and turn, But the fire in his heart, will always burn, For the love he holds, forever true, So many more memories, just me and you. [Chorus] 'Cause Dani, you're amazing, every shade of gold, Love's already woven, a story to unfold, Can't wait to live more days, making memories tight, Together forever, in the soft moonlight.