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Hey Julie

Hey Julie
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Hey Julie

[Verse] Hey Julie, where the wildflowers grow, In the heart of the meadow where sweet breezes blow, With Claire and Luke running around in the sun, You make every memory a beautiful one. [Verse 2] Grandma to Breea, Ollie, Theo, and Jack, Knitting the pattern that never grows slack, Love in each stitch, a warmth in each thread, You've woven a blanket where love's always spread. [Chorus] Hey Julie, amazing and true, Every day we celebrate you, The heart of our family, through every storm, We're wrapped in your love, so endlessly warm. [Verse 3] 'Round the kitchen table, stories you share, With a cup of coffee and a kind-hearted prayer, You lift up our spirits with wisdom and grace, A beacon of love in this chaotic place. [Verse 4] In the quiet of night, when we're all tucked in bed, Dreams stitched together by words you once said, You're the lighthouse guiding our ships back to shore, The heart of our lives, forevermore. [Bridge] From the crack of dawn till the last ray fades, In the simplest moments, your love cascades, We all love you, more caring than words can convey, Julie, our sunshine, our hope each day.