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blue sunrise

blue sunrise
0:00 / 3:18

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blue sunrise

Here’s a prompt you can use to create an AI-generated video from the poem: --- "Create a visually striking and dynamic video inspired by the poem. Open with a blue-tinted sky at sunrise in 1950 over Britain, with ashes subtly falling from the sky. Show wildfires burning across Canada, smoke drifting over the landscape, and the sun glowing an unusual blue. Transition to a scene of Krakatoa erupting, with ash clouds mixing with vivid sunsets. In the next part, zoom in on a modern-day corner shop. Show everyday people buying groceries, then shift to imagery of laborers in fields and factories—highlighting the sweat and toil behind the products. Throughout the video, emphasize the theme of interconnectedness by showing symbolic imagery of hands reaching across the globe, threads binding different people, and weather patterns circling the Earth. As the video builds toward the chorus, use dynamic transitions between scenes of blue skies, shifting clouds, and people unaware of the larger forces at work. End with a haunting image of a blue sun rising over a fiery world, with people walking blindly beneath it, as the stakes keep rising." --- This will help create a powerful visual narrative that aligns with the poem's themes of environmental impact, labor, and interconnectedness.