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Amanuel Diss

Amanuel Diss
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Amanuel Diss

[Verse] Amanuel thinks he's a king, but he's less than a pawn, Frontin' like he got a crown, but his kingdom is gone. Fake flex on the 'gram, weak game in real life, Talkin' big with ghost plans, cuttin' dreams with a butter knife. [Verse 2] Claims he's on top, but he's bottom shelf stock, Living on dreams, walkin' on chalk, Paper-thin ego, crumpled facade, Got no groove, lost in the fog. [Chorus] Amanuel, Amanuel, you ain't all that, Big words, small moves, time to face fact. Amanuel, Amanuel, stop the charade, Reality check, end of the parade. [Verse 3] Actin' hard but he's softer than a featherbed, Talks about green but his wallet full of dread. Slip through his stories, fall through his lies, In his warped fantasy, reality dies. [Bridge] Truth bomb drop, shake the ground he stands, Quake through his ego, shatter his plans. Pretend warrior, internet soldier, Life moves faster, tale gets older. [Verse 4] You roll with clowns, got a circus act, Every move a joke, every lie a fact. Thought you walked on gold, but it's rotten turf, Fake king, sitting on a plastic surf.