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Make a Toast

Make a Toast
0:00 / 3:33

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Make a Toast

[Verse] Birthday candles agit, crowd buzz like a beehive, Cake taller than dreams, icing so damn alive, From the first breath to this milestone, never alone, Got a love stronger than stone, atmosphere full-blown. [Verse] Presents wrapped in secrets, ties tighter than shoelace, Party lights blinking, no space left in the pure chase, Memories stacking, each one a time capsule, Heartbeats sync as our love gravitates like a magnet pull. [Chorus] Blow the candles, make a wish, love’s perpetual stride, In this second, in this heartbeat, standing side by side, Let’s toast to the moments, every laugh, every cheer, Happy birthday, dear one, for you, gonna persevere. [Verse] Confetti carpet sky, glitters rain on the dance floor, Chanting choruses, feels like life’s encore, June to December, love never loses scent, Years come and go, but this bond’s permanent. [Verse] Gifts ‘bout memories, experiences wrapped in paper, Living every moment, savoring every flavor, Sippin' joy from the glass of eternity, In your smile found my serenity. [Chorus] Blow the candles, make a wish, love’s perpetual stride, In this second, in this heartbeat, standing side by side, Let’s toast to the moments, every laugh, every cheer, Happy birthday, dear one, for you, gonna persevere.