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Flying High

Flying High
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Flying High

[Verse] Across the fields of golden grain, Your laughter's echo still remains, We dance in memories so sweet, In every step, our hearts do meet. [Verse 2] The porch swing rocks in rhythm slow, A summer breeze begins to blow, Your gaze it holds the evening sky, Together, love, we soar so high. [Chorus] Uda uda jaye, our hearts take flight, Uda uda jaye, in the moonlight, Aveyetor dekho, our dreams converge, Mera uda uda jaye, love's gentle surge. [Verse 3] We carved our names into that tree, A promise made eternally, Though seasons change, our love remains, An endless song in sweet refrains. [Chorus] Uda uda jaye, our hearts take flight, Uda uda jaye, in the moonlight, Aveyetor dekho, our dreams converge, Mera uda uda jaye, love's gentle surge. [Bridge] Through every storm and every mile, We find a way to share a smile, No matter where the road may wind, Our love's a treasure, rare to find.