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Chloe's Smile

Chloe's Smile
0:00 / 3:49

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Chloe's Smile

[Verse] Chloe, our daughter, today she's turned three, A kinder heart, there's none we see. Her smile lights up the darkest room, Bringing joy, chasing away gloom. [Verse 2] Every morning she runs to see, Her family, friends, in glee. With arms wide open and eyes so bright, She fills our days with pure delight. [Chorus] Oh, Chloe, with a heart so kind, In your sweet presence, peace we find. Surrounded by love, be it night or day, In your gentle spirit, we sway. [Verse 3] She picks wildflowers out in the field, Giving them away, her love revealed. Barefoot and laughing, her joy unsealed, Creating memories, our hearts healed. [Verse 4] Her laughter echoes in the evening air, A melody pure, beyond compare. In the circle of family and friends, Her love's a harmony that never ends. [Chorus] Oh, Chloe, with a heart so kind, In your sweet presence, peace we find. Surrounded by love, be it night or day, In your gentle spirit, we sway.