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Happy Birthday, Dad

Happy Birthday, Dad
0:00 / 1:30

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Happy Birthday, Dad

[Verse] We'll light them candles, and we'll sing it loud, In this small-town kitchen, we're makin' you proud, You've been our rock, you've been our guide, Today's your day, let's set it right. [Verse 2] Coffee on the porch, sunrise in your eyes, You're the heart of this family, and that's no disguise, From fixing fences to showin' us how to dream, You've built this life, and you're our team. [Chorus] Happy Birthday, Dad, we raise our glass high, To a life well-lived, under this open sky, We'll dance and we'll laugh, to every song you play, Celebrating you, in every way. [Verse 3] Old truck in the yard, memories it holds, Stories of your past, they're worth more than gold, You've taught us to love, taught us to be kind, In this crazy world, your wisdom we find. [Chorus] Happy Birthday, Dad, we raise our glass high, To a life well-lived, under this open sky, We'll dance and we'll laugh, to every song you play, Celebrating you, in every way. [Bridge] Let's gather 'round, under these stars, A bonfire of joy, no matter how far, Your lessons and love, they burn so bright, Here's to you, Dad, on this special night.