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Happy Birthday, Beetroot

Happy Birthday, Beetroot
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Happy Birthday, Beetroot

[Verse] In the garden where the sunbeams play, A beetroot's birthday blooms today. Roots so deep and leaves so green, The finest veggie you've ever seen. [Verse 2] With a hat of dirt and a cloak of soil, Old beetroot's lived through rain and toil. Watched the seasons come and go, As other crops put on a show. [Chorus] Happy birthday, beetroot dear, Raise your leaves, shed a tear. From the farm to the humble plate, We're all here to celebrate. [Verse 3] Through the autumn's chilly breeze, And the summer’s warmth with ease. You've grown and thrived, oh sturdy root, Now we sing and play the flute. [Verse 4] Brown cows grazing in the field, Celebrate the harvest yield. The barn light's swinging in the night, For a beetroot party, what a sight! [Chorus] Happy birthday, beetroot dear, Raise your leaves, shed a tear. From the farm to the humble plate, We're all here to celebrate.