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the key is the happiness it gave

the key is the happiness it gave
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the key is the happiness it gave

This land is not ours, it belongs to no one. A deed with a name truly means nothing he would say. Staying alive with a measly salary. Paying nothing for the air. Polluted as can be, it is free oxygen for you and me. His house is not too large or too costly. Cozy and secure with no rain falling in. Trees outside to keep it shaded. Electric inside for the food we eat. Cheap fake outer shell, no need to paint. Rocks inside and outside because they are his friend. Serenity it brought, as long as he sought. The place is not a castle, but he has a queen. Till death do part is his motto. It will fall apart in future years. Constantly spending money to keep it alive. Is it worth it to keep your hive? Most certainly He said: “The Key is the Happiness it Gave.”