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anthem of the general’s

anthem of the general’s
0:00 / 3:28

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anthem of the general’s

Verse 1: From morning’s light to evening’s glow, We stand together, watch us grow. In halls and fields, our spirits soar, In Royal Blue and White, we roar. Chorus: We are the Generals, strong and free, United in pride and unity. With hearts aflame, we reach the heights, Anthony Wayne, ignite the night! Verse 2: Learning, striving, side by side, We face the future, eyes open wide. Our community, our guiding star, Together we have come so far. Chorus: We are the Generals, bold and true, In every challenge, we’ll break through. With voices raised, we shine our light, Anthony Wayne, unite tonight! Bridge: Through trials faced and lessons learned, Our banners wave, our passions burn. Adapt and grow, we lead the way, Building tomorrow from today. Final Chorus: We are the Generals, hear our call, Standing as one, we’ll never fall. In Royal Blue and White, we write The anthem of our pride tonight. Outro: So lift your heads and join the song, At Anthony Wayne, we all belong. Generals forever, shining bright, Our anthem echoes in the night.