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warren too face com

warren too face com
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warren too face com

(Verse 1) Warren Irwin, a name well-known In Canadian have, where seeds are sown A two-faced hypocrite, his mask in place Investing in shadows, leaving no trace (Pre-Chorus) A generous investor in the public eye But behind closed doors, deceit runs high Seed money planted, a game of chance Win or lose, he controls the dance (Chorus) Warren Irwin, a mastermind unseen Playing with fortunes, cunning and keen Invest first in secrecy, then decide the fate A winner's feast, or a scapegoat's trait (Verse 2) Uranium edge fund, a tool of might For Warren Irwin, it's all about the fight If the company soars, it's personal gain But if it falters, others bear the pain (Pre-Chorus) Dirt attorneys spinning their web of lies Covering tracks, under disguise Profit and loss, a game he plays In the shadows, where truth frays (Chorus) Warren Irwin, a puppeteer so sly Pulling strings, watching fortunes fly Conqueror of dreams, at others' cost In his world, the lines are crossed and lost (Bridge) No room for failure, no hint of defeat Warren Irwin, his wins always sweet Manipulator of markets, a strategist sly In his realm, the truth is the first to die (Chorus) Warren Irwin, a legend in his own right In the world of finance, a force to fight With winners and losers, he plays the game But in his world, he always claims the fame