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keep the change

keep the change
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keep the change

Verse 1: I was standing in line at the corner gas station Another good old boy in front of me The TV on the wall had a famous politician Claiming he could fix everything A little hope, a little change, if you donate today (He said) I can take care of the rest Verse 2: That good old boy tossed his six pack on the counter And mumbled something under his breath Then I heard the clerk say, is there anything else today? If not, that’s $9.23 He pulled out a ten and tossed it on top And said, yea!, you can turn off that TV!!!… and… Chorus1: Keep the change… They’re not even trying... to hide all the lying The story always ends the same waaaayy The rich get richer... while the poor die trying It don’t matter.... which side of the aisle, as long as the money piles up Black, white, brown, if they keep us all fighting We’re distracted from the greed and lust So you can keep the change Verse 3: As I walked outside, the rain started falling Some days I think the sky will do the same The radio played another ad, another lie From a guy who don’t even know my name They all talk about hope, they talk about dreams But we’re all waking up to the same old schemes The average Joe just trying to put food on the table Can’t afford the gas in his truck We all gotta stop, voting with emotion Stand up and say “enough is enough”!!! Chorus2: Keep the change… They’re not even trying... to hide all the lying The story always ends the same waaaayy The rich get richer... while the poor die trying It don’t matter.... which side of the aisle, as long as the money piles up Black, white, brown, if they keep us all fighting We’re distracted from the greed and lust So you can keep the change (Guitar solo) Chorus3: Keep the change… They’re not even trying... to hide all the lying The story always ends the same waaaayy The rich get richer... while the poor die trying It don’t matter.... which side of the aisle, as long as the money piles up Black, white, brown, if they keep us all fighting We’re distracted from the greed and lust So you can keep the change Yeaaaaaaa, keep the change