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Old Oak Tree

Old Oak Tree
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Old Oak Tree

[Verse] Beneath the shade of the old oak tree, Life moves at a slower pace, free. We'd spend our days just you and me, Dreams as tall as those branches be. [Verse 2] The summer sun would kiss our skin, Time stood still, love would always win. A gentle breeze would softly spin, Whispers of the life we'd begin. [Chorus] Underneath that old oak tree, Promises carved, just you and me. Our hearts would sing, wild and free, Lost in love, under the canopy. [Verse 3] Winters came, those leaves would fall, But we knew seasons change us all. Through the cold, we'd still stand tall, That old oak knew our best nights' call. [Verse 4] Years gone by, and still we find, Our spirits bound, perfectly kind. In the shade, love intertwined, Memories linger in the wind's bind. [Chorus] Underneath that old oak tree, Promises carved, just you and me. Our hearts would sing, wild and free, Lost in love, under the canopy.