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Never Letting Go

Never Letting Go
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Never Letting Go

[Verse] Look at us we shine below the shooting stars Dreamers with fire never hiding our scars We chase the night like we own the sky We'll rise again no need to wonder why [Verse 2] Lights in our eyes faces full of hope Climbing higher up this endless rope We’re fierce and bold we’re unbreakable Stars in our path will make us unstoppable [Chorus] Never letting go of the fire inside We'll make the impossible our ride With fearless hearts and endless glow We'll conquer the dark never letting go [Bridge] Against the winds we howl and scream We’re more than just a fleeting dream With every step we light the spark We’ll leave our mark in the dark [Verse 3] Under the sky we dance unchained With every leap victory is gained We won’t back down no we won’t refrain We’re freedom’s call breaking every chain [Chorus] Never letting go of the fire inside We'll make the impossible our ride With fearless hearts and endless glow We'll conquer the dark never letting go