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His Beautiful Face

His Beautiful Face
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His Beautiful Face

[Verse] His eyes shine like the morning dew No cloud can hide his light from view Every glance a spark so true In his gaze I see skies of blue [Verse 2] He smiles it's like the sun's first ray Lighting up my darkest day No shadow can chase it away His joy is here it’s here to stay [Chorus] His face is very beautiful no words can define Every angle every line oh how it’s divine In his presence I am fine our hearts are aligned His love forever mine our souls intertwined [Verse 3] His laughter echoes in my mind A melody so gently kind Every moment he's by my side In his love I'll always confide [Verse 4] His touch is soft as midnight rain Comforting me in all my pain With him there is nothing to feign Pure love forever will remain [Chorus] His face is very beautiful no words can define Every angle every line oh how it’s divine In his presence I am fine our hearts are aligned His love forever mine our souls intertwined