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More Than a Man

More Than a Man
0:00 / 2:53

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More Than a Man

"Be More Than a Man" (Verse 1) They told you to be tough, hide your pain, That real men don’t cry in the rain. But power’s not in what you hold, It’s in the love you give, the stories told. They told you strength was fists and pride, But that’s just fear in disguise. To be a man means standing tall, But lifting others when they fall. (Chorus) Be more than a man, break the chain, Let go of fear, let go of shame. It’s not in control, it’s not in might, It’s in the love that shines so bright. Feminist masculinity, it’s where you’ll stand, Not above, but hand in hand. Be more than the lie they sell, You’ve got the power to break the spell. (Verse 2) Patriarchy taught you to lead by fear, But strength is in listening, staying near. To be a brother, a lover, a friend, Means your power is to help, not to bend. Bell hooks showed us there’s another way, Where men can heal, where love can stay. You’re more than their empty command, Real strength is opening your hand. (Chorus) Be more than a man, break the chain, Let go of fear, let go of shame. It’s not in control, it’s not in might, It’s in the love that shines so bright. Feminist masculinity, it’s where you’ll stand, Not above, but hand in hand. Be more than the lie they sell, You’ve got the power to break the spell. (Bridge) It’s not weakness to show your soul, To love, to feel, that’s the ultimate goal. We don’t need to fight to claim our place, We rise together, all in grace. Be the man who cares, who cries, Who lifts up others, who never lies. Strength is soft, strength is kind, In feminist love, true power you’ll find. (Chorus) Be more than a man, break the chain, Let go of fear, let go of shame. It’s not in control, it’s not in might, It’s in the love that shines so bright. Feminist masculinity, it’s where you’ll stand, Not above, but hand in hand. Be more than the lie they sell, You’ve got the power to break the spell. (Outro) So be more than the myth you’ve been told, In feminist love, find the gold. Patriarchy’s end starts with you, Embrace the truth, and rise anew.