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michael the avocado

michael the avocado
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michael the avocado

[Verse] Michael my first born avocado i love you You grew in lands where sunflowers shadow Rolling down the hills of green delight Under sky so blue in morning light [Verse 2] You hang out with the guacamole crew Dancing in the salsa green and blue With a hint of spice you make us smile Turning dreary days to days worthwhile [Chorus] Oh Michael sweet Michael come take a bow You’re the toast of every table now From the farmers' market to the grand buffet Avocado magic in every way [Bridge] Pit and all you’re the star of the show Creamy dreams in every slice we sow From toast to salads you reign supreme Turning kitchen fantasies to a dream [Verse 3] In the garden where the morning glows Michael grows as gentle breeze blows Nourished by the sun and nurturing rain Through every season your charm remain [Verse 4] Michael my avocado cherish each day Changing the world in your subtle way With every bite you bring us grace Delight and joy to the human race